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Development History


Liu Yuqing Electric Welding Processing Sales Department → Xugezhuang Town Boiler Accessories Factory → Fengnan County No.4 Steel Rolling Plant. The solid development of the enterprise step by step has accumulated experience for the great leap forward development in the later stage, cultivated talents, and strengthened Liu Yuqing's belief and courage to lead the people to become rich.


With the development and growth of the company, the profit exceeded 10 million


With the development of the enterprise, Xugezhuang town boiler accessories factory decided to expand the scope of business. Through an in-depth investigation of the national steel market, Liu Yuqing turned his attention to the development of the steel rolling industry, and he led his employees to build a rolling mill with an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons in only 115 days - the Fourth rolling mill in Fengnan County. The next year it made $6.5 million


Fengnan County "township enterprises" booming, under the influence of the situation, Liu Yuqing will his "Liu Yuqing electric welding processing department" free to the collective, and on this basis, the establishment of the "Xugezhuang town boiler accessories factory" (township enterprises), Liu Yuqing contracted, as the director. At the beginning of the factory, in a month's time, Liu Yuqing footprints all over Beijing, Zhengzhou, Wuxi, Xi 'an, Shanghai and Xinjiang, and finally with extraordinary perseverance and a strong sense of responsibility, signed a 30,000 yuan boiler chain processing contract with Shihezi Bayi Sugar Factory in distant Xinjiang. This is Xugezhuang town boiler accessories factory a business, but also Xugezhuang town boiler accessories factory to take a solid step. After several years of hard work, in 1985, more than 200 kinds of products produced by the boiler accessories factory were exported to more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions across the country, and more than 50 enterprises took it as a designated manufacturer. Xugezhuang boiler accessories factory earned 800,000 yuan in two years, becoming a large profit and tax in Fengnan machining industry. According to the contract, Liu Yuqing will receive a contract bonus of 220,000 yuan. For the sake of the villagers and people Liu Yuqing has allocated to their own 220,000 yuan all to the collective, sensational the entire Fengnan land.


In the spring breeze of reform, Liu Yuqing set up electric welding processing in Xugezhuang Town 7th Street, which is an individual enterprise in Fengnan County


Buy out Bohai Building Materials Company → Set up Xinfeng Metal Materials Co., Ltd. → Set up Qinhuangdao Tianxing Real Estate Co., Ltd. The success of one by one stems from the timely grasp of the development opportunities by the company's leaders, and it is also the accurate grasp of the opportunities that have made the Xinfeng Group in the future.


In June, Qinhuangdao Tianxing Real Estate Co., Ltd. was established in Qinhuangdao. In the same year, Qinhuangdao Tianxing Real Estate Co., Ltd. began to develop the "Sunshine Waterfront" residential project, which completed the development area of 170,000 square meters and achieved sales revenue of 850 million yuan


In 2004, it broke through the profit mark of 20 million yuan and realized the original accumulation of 50 million yuan.


Since 2000, the annual profit of the enterprise has been growing at a high speed of 100%, 2 million, 4 million, 8 million, and can step to a new level every year


In April, Liu Yuqing bought out Fengnan Bohai Building Materials Company and set up Xinfeng Metal Materials Co., LTD in June of the same year. When other companies are still considering how to increase production, reduce costs, and survive in the cracks by fighting a price war, Liu Yuqing, general manager of Xinfeng Metal Materials Co., Ltd. put forward with advanced vision: we must go out of a way of our own, and must not run behind others. After careful investigation, they cooperated with Heilongjiang Metallurgical Research Institute and launched the high value-added product of carbon silicon manganese alloy block. The advent of carbon silicon manganese alloy blocks quickly gained the recognition of major steel companies and became the mainstream additive for steelmaking. After expert demonstration, the carbon silicon manganese alloy block is listed as a high-tech product in Hebei Province, which has been funded by the provincial Science and Technology Commission, and won the reward fund of one million yuan from the National Science and Technology Commission.


It has been 20 years since the reform and opening up began. The reform of the economic system has been deepened step by step, and many poorly operated state-owned enterprises and township enterprises are being "restructured". This provides a golden opportunity for Liu Yuqing to show his ambition.


In the past 10 years, Xinfeng's thermal industry has developed rapidly. The heating area has increased by 12 times, the laying of pipe networks has increased by 35 times, and the total number of thermal stations has increased by 8 times.
The establishment of Xinfeng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. and Xinfeng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. is an important milestone in the history of Xinfeng's development. It has become the turning point of Xinfeng's take-off and laid a solid foundation for the establishment of Xinfeng Group.


In July, Xinfeng Heat Co., Ltd. was officially established, shouldering the burden of heating Fengnan urban area, replacing 114 boilers for the government at one time, changing the history of relying on coal-fired boilers for heating for decades, and making Fengnan urban construction take a new step. According to the statistics at that time, a heating period, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions 7920 tons, reduce smoke emissions 157 tons, save 39,287 tons of boiler coal, saving money 14.929 million yuan. According to the calculation of boiler operation cost, the government investment is reduced by nearly 10 million yuan every year.


In August, Tangshan Xinfeng Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. was built and put into operation, with a total investment of 193 million yuan, covering an area of 130 acres, with two 25MW pure condensing turbine generators, equipped with two 130t/h gas boilers. Tangshan Xinfeng Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. uses blast furnace gas and converter gas from Guofeng and Beisteel to generate electricity and heating. The company can generate 350 million KWH of electricity per year, consume 170,000 cubic meters of blast furnace gas, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 320,000 tons. Tangshan Xinfeng Thermal Power Company has become an important part of the circular economy in Fengnan area, and has been identified by the Tangshan Municipal Government as an energy saving and emission reduction test demonstration site.


Urbanization construction and people's livelihood projects have mentioned the agenda of governments at all levels, and green economy and circular economy have become the main melody of China's economic development. A large number of new environmental protection enterprises came into being. Liu Yuqing followed the pace of The Times, aimed at public welfare undertakings and livelihood projects, and decided to build a cogeneration enterprise to seek welfare for the people of Fengnan.



Xinfeng spodumene Mining Co., Ltd. and Xinfeng Lithium Industry Co., LTD were established.


Established Xinfeng Australia International Investment Co., LTD., built the Xinfeng Landmark Square project, and built the biomass cogeneration project.


Construction of Tangshan Jiecheng dangerous waste disposal Co., LTD. The company is located in Xinfeng Resource Recycling Industrial Park, 200 meters west of Jianzigu Village, Jianzigu Township, Fengnan District, Tangshan City. Relying on the industrial chain of Xinfeng Resource recycling Industrial Park, the company is committed to the harmless disposal of urban industrial waste and the comprehensive utilization of waste resources. The total investment of the project is 200 million yuan. Annual hazardous waste can be treated 23,690.21 tons. Among them, the incineration is 9710.36 tons/year, the physical and chemical disposal is 4936.84 tons/year, and the curing treatment is 9043.01 tons/year, which is a comprehensive disposal center integrating collection, storage and disposal.


Construction of Xinfeng sludge disposal Co., LTD. The company is a professional engaged in urban sewage treatment plant sludge disposal environmental protection enterprises. The company is located in the north of the landfill site of Jianzigu Township, Fengnan District, Tangshan City, far away from residential areas, 42 kilometers away from the center of Tangshan City, covering an area of 3.04 acres, the project is a circular economy industrial project encouraged by the state, is a key project of the city. The project treats 300 tons of urban domestic sludge daily and 100,000 tons of urban domestic sludge annually, with a total investment of 83 million yuan.


Build Xinfeng Vein industrial ecological Park and build Tangshan Huanjie Energy Co., LTD. The company is located in the north of the landfill site of Jian Zigu Township, Fengnan District, Tangshan City, occupying a reserved land of 44128.4m2 with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. The company mainly operates the kitchen waste resource utilization and harmless treatment project, which is one of the sixteen key construction projects of the second batch of pilot cities in the country jointly approved by the five ministries of the State. The project mainly collects and handles the kitchen waste generated by various catering units, institutions, schools, hotels and restaurants of large enterprises in the main urban area of Tangshan City.


In 2011, a group company was established



Xinfenghui Lithium Co., Ltd. was established.


Xinfeng (Namibia) Investment Co., LTD was established.
